Precision Equipments for the Microelectronic and Photonics Ass'y

Our market segment is dedicated to providing innovative solutions and supporting the assembly of the next generation of semiconductor devices.

AOI System

AOI System

Thick & thin film.
Polymeric glass & wafers.

 flip chip  Eutectic  epoxy die bonder

Die Bonder & Sorter

Flip-chip bonder.
Epoxy die attached.
Laser bar stacker/ unstacker.

laser resistor trimming system

Laser System

Laser for resistor trimming.
Laser for cutting & drilling.

Vacuum reflow soldering system

Reflow Soldering Oven

Vacuum reflow solder system
Void free fluxless soldering

RTP system

Rapid Thermal Process

Implantation/ contact annealing

Screen stencil printer
thick film fine line solution

Screen Stencil Printer

Fine Line thick film solution.

Scribe and break
optoelectronic dry process dicing

Scribe & Break

Optoelectronic dry process dicing. Nanotechnologies and more...

wedge and ball Wire bonder equipment

Wire Bonder and Welder

One bond head multiple processes
Wedge, Ball, Ribbon bonding